Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Growth Mindset Learning

Carol Dweck's concept of the growth mindset is something that I had heard of before in one of my courses required for a degree in education. Due to the nature of being a teacher and entering the classroom in this position, this is something that seems vital to me and my specific career path. In my own experiences, I see it implemented in several different ways. Growing up, I was always an A+ student, but even so, I absolutely hated being told that I had missed the mark on something and not being able to prove myself once more. To put it simply, I was a perfectionist. To me, this idea of a growth mindset would cross great lengths to resolve similar issues with other children from a teachers perspective.
A simple infographic addressing the ways in which 
a growth mindset might enhance learning. Source: Flikr

Another way that I have seen something like this emerge is in a class that I am currently enrolled in, even though I have only attended one session thus far. I am enrolled in a special education course that all majors have to take in my college and I think this approach would be specifically useful there. Due to the nature of diversity of students, especially those that study with exceptionalities, I think utilizing this growth mindset of "not yet" instead of a permanent "no" would provide a lot of room to work with these students, and many others for that fact, to enable them to reach their full potential. 

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