However, Derek Beres argues that being constantly busy and on the go actually does just as much harm for us as it does good. Reading such a statement was alarming as someone who is always on the go. Especially as an English education major, creativity and individuality are both things that I will undoubtedly be pushing my students towards almost daily. So how is this issue solved?
I think the most impactful thing I took from this article is the need to be still. Honestly, I personally love being still. I have to have my me time every once in a while or I get super bogged down and end up putting myself in a bad mood. However, this me time used to make me feel guilty at times because I felt like I should be doing something, not laying around and doing nothing. Now, though, with the perspective of this article in mind I can take my time for myself without having to feel guilty for doing so, knowing that it actually is serving an important purpose.
Hammocking and reading are some of my favorite ways to relax
and get the much needed time to myself. Source: Flickr
This week, I want to challenge myself to take time for myself a couple of times throughout the week, not being anxious about all the things that I feel like I have to do. Those things aren't going to go anywhere so I think it is highly important that I have my time for myself and my time to maintain my sanity.
Hi Hannah!
ReplyDeleteI think you would really enjoy the mindfulness app. It's an app that you can set up to give you reminders to meditate and just take a moment to be still. It really is a challenge if you are like me and love to go-go-go. I, too, often feel guilty or anxious when I am not doing things for school, but when I finally get my mind to stop racing I feel refreshed and ready to tackle my next task! I hope you give the app a try and enjoy it!
Hi Hannah! What a great thought! I know I can suffer from on-the-go syndrome too so I'm glad I'm not the only one afflicted! Things are absolutely so crazy in college but you're right it is so important to take time to be with yourself and reenergize. The hard part for me is identifying when I need to reenergize and when I'm just being lazy, lol! Sending you major happy thoughts for a stress free midterm week!