Thursday, September 21, 2017

Famous Last Words: Another Week Down

It's crazy to think that another week is already pretty much over, just like that. I feel like at the beginning of the week, I always slightly dread another one starting in anticipation of all the assignments, classes, events, and things that I know are going to have to be finished, yet I've somehow made it through another one.
A personal photo of my friend, Jessica, that is going home
with me for the game this weekend.

I am particularly excited about the fact that I get to go home tomorrow for the weekend. I am from Waco so I am taking my best friend, who just so happens to be my roommate, with me to watch OU play their football game against Baylor. It should be a super fun time and I always really love getting to spend a few days at home with my family. It's also going to be my sister's 18th birthday on Saturday so I am really excited about being home for that as well.
A personal photo of my sister that will be turning 18
this weekend and I. 

Now that week five is complete for the most part, I do finally feel like I am getting in the swing of things, which is really nice to finally feel like I have a handle on things. I mentioned it last week but I am enrolled in 19 hours currently and it feels like there are always about 100 things to do. Honestly, anytime I have free time, I feel like there is something that I'm actually forgetting to do and I've been getting stressed out super easily.
I also got advised for next semester this week, which is crazy since we aren't even half way through this one. My adviser wants me to take 15-18 hours again with a lot of emphasis on the literature side of my major, which should be super interesting. I've never tackled that many literature courses at once so I am really nervous about it but hopefully it will turn out okay. And for the mean time, I'll just stick to worrying about the rest of this semester because I already have enough on my plate anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! I went home this weekend as well. I can totally relate to the stress and anxiety of yet another week approaching. How fun that you got to go watch the game against Baylor! It got a little scary there a few times, but I'm glad we recovered and were able to pull off another victory! Also, just know that all of the hard work you are putting in now will be worth it. I had to take 20 hours last semester on top of working 20 hours a week and it was the worst semester, but also the most rewarding. You just have to get through! You got it!!!!!
